
Current Research

Nanocarriers are nanomaterial-based drug delivery systems used to encapsulate and deliver a wide range of therapeutic cargos. Because nanocarrier-mediated drug delivery is a complex process regulated by an even more complex system (the human body), there is a lot to be learned about what mediates successful drug delivery from a biological perspective. In fact, engineering nanocarriers to improve accumulation of therapeutics at target disease sites remains an unmet challenge. As the complexities of both the biological environment and nanocarrier constructs present a major barrier to translational success, it is imperative to develop new tools and methodologies for fundamental and mechanistic studies at the nano-bio interface in a clinically meaningful way.


Research in the Boehnke Lab uses engineering, chemistry, and biology approaches to elucidate the materials and cellular characteristics required for successful nanocarrier-mediated drug delivery.  

High through-put screening


By leveraging high throughput screening, omics, and machine learning, we can:

1) implement nanoparticle barcoding strategies for pooled in vitro and in vivo screening

2) leverage nanocarrier-specific biomarkers to decouple the role of the biological environment in nanocarrier trafficking

3) leverage existing biological datasets to design weaponized nanocarriers for selective cell targeting and killing

Through this multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to nanomedicine, we will be able to engineer the next generation of targeted nanocarriers.

Lab Photos



Senjuti using our tangential flow filtration (TFF) device to purify some nanoparticles


Amartya uses the light microscope to check the growth of human cancer cells


Senjuti using aseptic technique to culture human cancer cells




Plinio using the rotary evaporator during a reaction workup


Barath using the HPLC to quantify nanoparticle loading


Plinio uses the Zetasizer to characterize some nanoparticles he synthesized